Apart from 40+ documents available under Shipzy document templates, you can now create new documents as per your export business requirements . With Create new documents as per your requirement, you can now design, customise and prepare new documents - all within Shipzy.
Key Features:
Create new documents:
- Your document is not available in the list of templates? No worries, you can now create new custom Documents. creation for export import business made easy with Shipzy export software.
Design as per your export business requirements:
- Our smart editor will enable you to design new documents as per your export import business requirements.
Add variables:
- No need to copy paste data, add new variables and our automated system will fetch details without human intervention.
Print with or without letterhead :
- Leave extraspace for letterhead or add your letterhead to be printed with new documents, all is possible withthis new feature. Documents creation for export import business made easy with Shipzy export software
This new feature empowers you to add new documents, design as per your need and print it with data variables as per your export import business requirements.