
What is Shipzy export management software?

Shipzy export management software is specially designed and developed for indian exporters. Technology and software processes built in a way that, every indian exporter can use as per their customise requirements. Our cloud-based platform offers a suite of tools and features that cater to the custom needs of exporters, facilitating efficient, easy to use, and cost-effective operations.

Here's a thought:

In 2014, indian exporters focused on expanding their teams. But in 2024, the game has changed. Now, the smartest players in the export field are quickly adopting cloud-based export management software. It's not just a trend, it's a business transformation! If you haven't made the switch yet, you might be lagging behind in this fast-paced tech race. Embrace the future of export management today and be part of the movement that's reshaping the industry!

Key features of shipzy export management software:

Document automation:

No copy paste, no mistakes. Shipzy simplifies the creation of crucial export documents like packing list, tax invoice, commercial invoices, bills of lading, and many other documents. The software automates and speeds up the document generation process, reducing manual errors and saving time.


Analytics and Reporting:

Export business owner can generate detailed reports and analytics, providing insights into various aspects of the export process like bills receivables, bills payables, expenses. This data can be used for making informed business decisions, understanding customer trends, and identifying areas for improvement.


Financial Tools:

Shipzy comes equipped with features for managing financial aspects like invoicing, payments, and expense tracking. These tools aid in maintaining accurate financial records and can help in forecasting and budgeting.


Customer Satisfaction and Retention:

Being cloud-based, shipzy allows for remote access to files and operations, enabling businesses to manage their export processes from anywhere, at any time, leading to improved customer satisfaction and retention.


Customisable Workflows:

We know that, each business has unique needs, shipzy offers totally customisable workflows to match specific operational requirements.


Benefits of using shipzy:
Increased ROI:

Automated processes and streamlined workflows lead to a significant reduction in time and resources spent on export management tasks.


Enhanced Accuracy:

Reduce the chances of errors that can occur with manual processing. Accurate software, happy employees and happy customers.


Cost Savings:

Do more with less, your 10x business growth can be manage by same human capital. Reduces operational costs through efficiency and error reduction.

In summary, shipzy export management software is an erp solution that addresses the multi-faceted challenges of international trade. By leveraging such a platform, businesses can focus more on growth and less on the complexities of export management.

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